Suspicious Voting Patterns?
After reading this article about what are presented as anomalous changes in the ratio of Biden/Trump votes as mail-in ballots were processed in swing states, I decided to create charts for all fifty states and post them here.
According to the twitter posting upon which the article was based, charts of the Biden / Trump vote over time (per processed batch) show both in-person voting — in the form of more randomly dispersed data points — and the processing of mail-in ballots, which, being mixed in the mail delivery and sorting process, would have a more uniform distribution.
The article points out that in Florida — a state that Trump won—the ratio of Biden / Trump votes goes down slowly as the batches are processed, perhaps due to more rural areas voting for Trump. This is claimed to be the expected result.
In contrast, Michigan shows a jagged increase in the Biden / Trump ratio. Does this reflect some form of electoral fraud?
Curious, I created charts for all fifty states:
Different states process votes differently. To determine whether any conclusions could be drawn from these graphs, a next step would be to contrast these results with those of other statewide races, as well as to results from previous years.
Without doing so, it would be foolish to arrive at conclusions.